Using the Solve[...] function provided by Mathematica, users can solve matrix equations. For example, a set of matrix equations \(AC+CA^\mathrm{T} = 2D\) and \(C=C^\mathrm{T}\) will be solved below.
AMatrix = (* define a matrix *);
Diff = (* define a matrix *);
n = (Dimensions[AMatrix][[1]]);
CMat = Array[x, {n, n}]; (* set proper dimension *)
Csol = Solve[
AMatrix.CMat + CMat.Transpose[AMatrix] == (2*Diff) &&
Transpose[CMat] == CMat
(* replace this with your own equations *)
, Flatten[CMat]];
Cvec = Array[x, {(n*n), 1}];
For[i = 1, i < ((n*n) + 1), i++,
Cvec[[i, 1]] = Csol[[All, i, 2]][[1]];
CMat = Transpose[ArrayReshape[Cvec, {(2*n), (2*n)}]];
This is a convenient and neat way to solve matrix equations. Indeed, one should always care about the existence and (non-)uniqueness of the solutions, which Mathematica may fail to address completely. Also note that fully symbolic calculations are quite heavy.